Wednesday, September 7, 2011

India wins 2011

Yes, it is theICC world cup which has come true. Yes, it is the Lokpal which has got added upin the queue of yearnings and earnings which hopefully every Indian has dreamtof, and this all has been achieved in the unforgettable 2011.
Whenever NewYear has arrived in India, it has always been welcomed with future predictionsbeing done by various “Jyotishis” exclusively hired by television channels, butthey would also have never thought that India after stumbling for such a longperiod would have achieved something more than what it has achieved before 2011.Now the question arises that “who have been the achievers? , who would gainfrom it? ”. Is it every common man or someone different?
To my opinion itis the Middle class who is the achiever, who has been the supporter and it isevery single person who will be benefitted. Being from a middle class I thinkthat it’s only bourgeoisie which had been always struck hardly by the changes, whetherits change in economy or govt. and much more similar. This year had come upwith some good intentions for India. UNCTAD statedthat despite the slowdown in developed countries, the Indian economy is set togrow by 8.1 per cent in 2011 as against 3% growth in developed countries.
But where lies the crux of achievements. It’s obviously not theWorld Cup, and moreover Indian team is struggling hard to match England incricket. So then it must be the Lokpal, but according to me it is not evenLokpal. It is also half done yet. The crux lies in the public mind setup andthat is “zeal” for not tolerating corruption which has got embedded inside thisnation for long period that still after having such a high growth rate , Indiahas been divided into rich and the poor India. This zeal would take thiscountry to somewhere different from where it was heading until now. This zealis inside that youth which can be a great constructor or the other way around.Being a youth I am really grateful to that old veteran “Anna Hazare” that hehas lighten up those hearts which are still to burn like fire. Now I hope andnot only hope ,I am confident that the winds of change will be seen by mycountrymen and as far as impact is concerned that is also not too much faraway.
So, I must say that India has won 2011 and we are the fortunate spectators of this greatchange.

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