'Tis Christmas time, and Charades’ fever (nearby me) is
on. You must have played it, at least heard of it and if you don’t know
about it...no worries, you are no "Dumb". Don’t get deceived by the topic as I am not going
to tell you, How this game is played? Probably even if you don’t know this, it hardly will
annoy you at the end of this article.
Some things are Tacit, but here the whole game hovers around
taciturnity. A player pantomimes and his team has to guess what he wants to
say. If you relate this game to any kind of a team, you can see a kind of
reflection of major characters in this game i.e “the guessers” and “the actor”.
On one hand The Guessers can be
looked as a team and the Actor as a Leader on the other. However the most important thing is the
essence of this game. That Essence can be looked as a “Trust”, which the leader
of the team exhibits in his Team. This Trust is unspoken, but is visible by the
actions of actor. Now, any vigilant mind would ask that how this Trust is being
reflected upon by this game. So, this
could be elicited by the fact that this Trust shows, “How much the actor
believes in the capabilities of his team”. This tacit aspect i.e. Trust, if
exercised by the actor would not only make the team to reach new heights, but
would also boost up the team’s confidence in the actor in a reverse fashion. It
is like “ You get what you give to the world”.
By this time, there are chances that those who weren’t aware of what this game is all about must have
got an idea of how to play it and still if not....no worries, you are no "Dumb". Keep Playing.
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