Sunday, February 14, 2016

Thinking Big vs Thinking Small

When you type “Thinking big” on Google translator, you get the result "Bari soch” and for “Thinking small”, unfortunately you get “Chhoti soch”. We see these two phrases dramatically, if Hindi is our mother tongue. The former is seen with great respect while the latter as to be a taboo. There is technology behind the scene which is translating the words here and getting us the results, but luckily our heads don’t go the same way. The greatness of mankind lies in this fact that it created a communication tool called language, but it keeps defying the same by not taking it literally every time. Here, Thinking big or small is not at all about Bari or Chhoti soch. It’s a lot more different from that. 

What if a child recognises its mother standing at the door but haven’t learnt walking or what if he can walk but his mother is no where around. These two situations clearly capture the essence of Thinking big vs Thinking small. The former situation tells that the child has a goal but doesn’t have the necessary means which are the small footsteps and the latter shows the vice-versa. It doesn’t matter how big your idea is, how much beyond normal conventions you can think unless you take care of the complexities and details of that big picture. On the contrary if you are too much engrossed in the complexities and details, your mind might never show you the big horizons and this is what the Marketing management defines as Myopia. There is a lot of buzz around the word Glocalisation which means to do business according to both local and global considerations. Glocalisation is the perfect example of thinking big and thinking small going hand in hand. You have a brand which aspires to be a global one and this is something which we can relate to thinking big kind of aspiration, but at the same time unless you understand the market where you want to enter, unless you think those minute details about who your prospective customers are, you are very likely to end up as a big failure albeit big investments. We have a lot of examples of such global brands like L’oreal who have done a great job across the world by acting locally. Take an example of the iconic Steve Jobs. He had a vision but along with great care and love for that vision, he was very much involved in the microscopic designs of Apple products. If he hadn’t had been that way, probably we would never had got the Macintosh or the iPhone which is a completely different experience to indulge in as far as technology is concerned. So we can see that you might have a great vision or an idea, but unless you get into the intricacies of what your idea would look like and how it has to be manifested, that idea will be no more than just an impulse in your nervous system.
In a nutshell, I would like to say that being humans, it is our basic instinct to look things differently, to revolutionise old dogmas with a new meaning. Then why not to look at this phrase of “Thinking big vs Thinking small” in a completely different way. Let us think both big and small so as to change the way “we do the thinking”.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Duality of Change

No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man. 

Change is intrinsic to whole of the universe. However, Man being a part of the universe finds it quite hard to deal with this everlasting phenomenon. It discomfitures the most when he is basking in his comfort zones and suddenly kicked out. He feels like being driven by change, contrary to his desire to driving it. There are times when we crave for a change and times when we can’t even imagine it and it hurts in the latter case. If you belong to a majority of Human race which finds it difficult to take this bull by the horns, then this piece of writing is definitely made for you.

The amazing thing about philosophy is it sees a single thing from many perspectives and ultimately ends up with two extremes whether it’s good or bad, right or wrong etc. In the same way, we can divide “Change” into two extremes. The one which is happening outside of your mind i.e. “Change in reality”, the other which can happen inside your mind i.e. “Change in Perception”. Most of the times, the “Change in reality” is as usual a story as it is the cycle of day and night, since none is under one’s control. In the latter, I have used “can” as most of us don’t prefer to exploit our supercomputer sitting at the top of us. But this supercomputer can definitely bring you out of the ordeals which you face in the initial days of the change you are the victim of. In simple words, let us retaliate to what is happening outside. Let us change the perception about the change. Being more elaborative, let me give you an example: You need to get up early in the morning for some crazy reason. Now getting up early is “Change in reality”. Your job is to change the perception of getting up early as an arduous task to a salubrious activity. The problem should get solved unless you are crazily shackled by laziness. 

You have to evolve inside-out. Once you acquire this skill of “changing your perception", you will actually start to changing the reality. You will be at the steering rather the back-seat.

Friday, December 27, 2013


'Tis Christmas time, and Charades’ fever (nearby me) is on. You must have played it, at least heard of it and if  you don’t know about worries, you are no "Dumb".  Don’t get deceived by the topic as I am not going to tell you, How this game is played?  Probably even if you don’t know this, it hardly will annoy you at the end of this article.

Some things are Tacit, but here the whole game hovers around taciturnity. A player pantomimes and his team has to guess what he wants to say. If you relate this game to any kind of a team, you can see a kind of reflection of major characters in this game i.e “the guessers” and “the actor”. On one hand The Guessers can be looked as a team and the Actor as a Leader on the other. However the most important thing is the essence of this game. That Essence can be looked as a “Trust”, which the leader of the team exhibits in his Team. This Trust is unspoken, but is visible by the actions of actor. Now, any vigilant mind would ask that how this Trust is being reflected upon by this game.  So, this could be elicited by the fact that this Trust shows, “How much the actor believes in the capabilities of his team”. This tacit aspect i.e. Trust, if exercised by the actor would not only make the team to reach new heights, but would also boost up the team’s confidence in the actor in a reverse fashion. It is like “ You get what you give to the world”.  

By this time, there are chances that those who weren’t  aware of what this game is all about must have got an idea of how to play it and still if worries, you are no "Dumb". Keep Playing.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Make it lemonade

What controls us? What stimulates our feelings? “Be optimistic” is what they say but upto what extent. Relax, But when you will get bored of even getting relaxed? This is something I am going through relaxing up for last 4 months since I have been out of my cool-age(college).The time I have is precious but is this being utilised , or am I just an unbeknownst victim of dalliance. There comes a time in your relaxation period when you start asking yourself that “What the hell I am doing?”. Getting mass-recruited as a chunk of deadly animals being put inside the placement truck, is this the complacent feeling I had paid, for such a boring relaxation?. Is it going to annihilate my incarnation as a human? There are similar mind boggling questions hovering around my conscious, but what should I do? Wait for my stars to go favourable for me or just pack my bags and kick upstairs towards my destiny on my own.
The biggest drawback with a mediocre is lack of confidence. Its aggravated when you have spent your 4 years in a jungle atmosphere like my case at JUIT, but the biggest advantage a “mediocre” has got is the “all-rounder” hidden inside him. Sarcastically he’s not bounded by the limitations of being a genius of one particular field. He has an open world of opportunities which would make him survive in this cruel world.
I heard one adage that "if life offers you lemons, you make it much better - you make lemonade".

Friday, April 13, 2012

Incredible Party coming to an end

Ingenuous boy from a beautiful town Palampur of Himachal Pradesh arrived in July of 2008 here at the monster standing over Waknaghat hills known as JUIT. Quite terrified actually by this beautiful but huge juxtaposition of buildings, having somewhere in mind that, Yeah I have to be here for my Bachelor’s degree. At that time never thought that how would I pass my 4 years here.

Got my hostel room allotted , took my luggage and opened the doors of my room, fatigued by those hundred of stairs which I had to climb each and every day of mine at JUIT unless I keep sleeping. Happy for the infra of the room and moreover about the blower over top of the shelve. First thing I did was checked that “is it really working? “ Although it was hot july at that time. Next day reached academics after passing various hurdles of ragging. Firstly ragged by seniors in front of tuck shop and then by big HoDs ,Dean and Registrar of university in orientation.

Found friends and its really great that those friends are today my closest ones. Four semesters passed however in a limping manner, until 4th semester, there was a kind of exhilaration which ran through whenever we used to go back home after our tests. The last paper was just a kind of formality which used to get dumped in the excitement of going back home. I still remember ,one of Physics teacher told that after 3rd semester , the excitement of going back home would start to fade and yes we reached that situation ,although it took almost 4 semesters in my case, but for last 3 semesters I experienced one thing and that was “JUIT, if not like home was no less than a home”. 3rd year which is having one of the hectic schedules passed and today I have reached almost the end of my degree.

Quite hard time and if one starts thinking of this time ,I am sure he will go crying. Its almost 2 months left for the era of BATCH 2012 of JUIT to come to an end. I am aware of the fact that I won’t get to see “The Mall Road of JUIT”, DHABAS ,ACADEMICS and most importantly H-11s special podium for us and beautiful face(s) hovering there at night which consumed at least 1 hour of our life every day. I am addicted to JUIT lifestyle and it would be really hard to come out of it.

Atlast it would be wrong to say that for 4 long years I was at JUIT, reality is I belonged to JUIT.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

World is interconnected

The above written may deceive you this time ‘cause it’s not the internet or the mobilecommunication or some kind of transportation means that I am going to talkabout right now. It’s something different and may be many of you would actuallyfind it intriguing because the things you would read may be somewhat illogicalfor a rational mind. You see whenever there is disturbance going on somewhere, similaris the situation somewhere else and not only this. If someone loses somethingthen there are cases of profits somewhere else although they are not linked toeach other in any way. Take for instance the fight against corruption. It’s notonly going in India as the Anna Hazare is doing, same is the situation in itsneighbouring country China. In India the Congress-led government of Manmohan Singh has faced itsbiggest challenge so far from mass demonstrations by supporters of Anna Hazare,a veteran anti-corruption campaigner who went on hunger strike in Delhi. Thisweek Mr Hazare halted his strike with a cup of honeyed coconut water after thegovernment agreed to pass tougher laws against graft. Rebellion is in the air in China, too. In mid-August one of thelargest demonstrations since the Tiananmen Square protests took place on thestreets of Dalian, a north-eastern boomtown, which forced the authorities toshut down a chemical factory that had been damaged in a storm.
However in rich countries the story islittle bit different. As far as the developing giant countries like China,India or Brazil is heading for something better, the rich countries arestaggering due to the economic slowdown and unable to control public finances.USA is continuously being traumatised by its debt ceiling while Britain’s youthhave its own reason for riots.
One of the biggest rebellions has cometo halt in Libya after a long dictatorship of Gaddafi. So, there’s some kind ofdisturbance in whole of the world. Some disturbances have been profitable andsome are still struggling to end up somewhere .Although disturbances are there,but there has been one thing maintained. I don’t know who is maintaining thisbut this one thing is Neutrality or you may say Balance. Somewhere there arethings going smooth and there are cases where things are getting worse.
I think nature’s rule applieseverywhere, that somewhere it will be scorching sun and somewhere there wouldbe shadow of trees to simply relax.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

India wins 2011

Yes, it is theICC world cup which has come true. Yes, it is the Lokpal which has got added upin the queue of yearnings and earnings which hopefully every Indian has dreamtof, and this all has been achieved in the unforgettable 2011.
Whenever NewYear has arrived in India, it has always been welcomed with future predictionsbeing done by various “Jyotishis” exclusively hired by television channels, butthey would also have never thought that India after stumbling for such a longperiod would have achieved something more than what it has achieved before 2011.Now the question arises that “who have been the achievers? , who would gainfrom it? ”. Is it every common man or someone different?
To my opinion itis the Middle class who is the achiever, who has been the supporter and it isevery single person who will be benefitted. Being from a middle class I thinkthat it’s only bourgeoisie which had been always struck hardly by the changes, whetherits change in economy or govt. and much more similar. This year had come upwith some good intentions for India. UNCTAD statedthat despite the slowdown in developed countries, the Indian economy is set togrow by 8.1 per cent in 2011 as against 3% growth in developed countries.
But where lies the crux of achievements. It’s obviously not theWorld Cup, and moreover Indian team is struggling hard to match England incricket. So then it must be the Lokpal, but according to me it is not evenLokpal. It is also half done yet. The crux lies in the public mind setup andthat is “zeal” for not tolerating corruption which has got embedded inside thisnation for long period that still after having such a high growth rate , Indiahas been divided into rich and the poor India. This zeal would take thiscountry to somewhere different from where it was heading until now. This zealis inside that youth which can be a great constructor or the other way around.Being a youth I am really grateful to that old veteran “Anna Hazare” that hehas lighten up those hearts which are still to burn like fire. Now I hope andnot only hope ,I am confident that the winds of change will be seen by mycountrymen and as far as impact is concerned that is also not too much faraway.
So, I must say that India has won 2011 and we are the fortunate spectators of this greatchange.